D2SP'S Strategic Partner


D2SP has entered into an Agreement with Biolab Science’s exclusive distributor, Phoenix Business Solutions Inc., to open Major Markets both Domestic and Internationally. This strategic relationship benefits all three concerns:

  1. D2SP benefits by earning fees and commissions that will generate revenues, over time that will eventually be more than substantial to fund D2SP’s overhead, i.e., operating, and promotional expenses. Moreover, we anticipate these revenues will eventually greatly subsidize its direct program costs, as well. It is D2SP’s goal that 100% of all donations will go directly into supporting its direct programs and service offerings.
  2. An additional benefit from this engagement is that it will allow medical professionals of color to be on the cutting edge of the coming bioscience revolution. D2SP has set very ambitious goals to assist BioLab Science via its agreement with Phoenix Business Solutions, Inc.
    1. VA and Military Hospitals, nationally and internationally.
    2. Major University affiliated hospitals, e.g., John Hopkins, Cleveland Medical, Mayo Clinic, UCLA, Stanford, USC, etc.
    3. Establish certain African Countries, e.g., Uganda and Ghana, as vaccine manufacturers and eventually pharmaceutical manufacturers.
    4. Ultimately, D2SP can be instrumental in the manufacturing of bioscience products.
    5. Create and grow markets for bioscience products in Europe, South America, and Africa.
  3.  BioLab Sciences while technically a start-up has hit the ground in a most spectacular fashion. Their two flagship products are already Medicare-approved, in addition to state medical programs throughout the country. While they have gained a bit of notoriety and acclaim the pharmaceutical industry is as tough an industry to break into as there is. D2SP, with its cadre of highly successful former executives and political operatives, can open doors even more efficiently and effectively.
      1. My Own Skin™ aims to accelerate the healing of chronic wounds, burns, diabetic foot ulcers, and other difficult-to-heal wounds. The procedure entails taking a small skin sample, no bigger than a fingernail, and within about a week produce three square patches of new skin, each measuring about 4×4 inches. This will accelerate the wound repair and healing process by a matter of months. Their products are Medicare approved and approved by the various state’s versions of Medicare.
      2. Biolab Sciences Fluid GF Regenerative Pain Treatment https://emsbio.com/home/ BioLab Fluid GF™ is an ambient temperature amniotic liquid allograft derived from the amniotic liquid within the placenta to advance soft tissue repair, replacement, and reconstruction.
  4.  Phoenix Business Solutions, Inc., aside from being BioLab Science’s exclusive distributor for their above flagship products, is very active in establishing similar relationships with other medical bioscience pioneers. One such product is one that offers a breakthrough in the treatment of herniated discs that portends to eliminates surgery altogether. There are other truly amazing products on the horizon that will completely revolutionize the medical profession as we know it. This company is headed up by a young, Saudi American who has uncanny insights and a veritable cornucopia of products and services that will play a major role in the medical bioscience revolution. Imagine being diagnosed and treated remotely by technology driven by the unlimited wonderment of quantum mechanics!

Given the large global population and limited vaccine production facilities, before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, it is understandable that only 4.3% of the global population is vaccinated. We also know that India is doing all it can under the weight of the problem and has already given 176M doses of vaccine with 38.2M people fully vaccinated. That is only 2.8% of the population and D2SP will now have an opportunity to help eradicate this pharmaceutical production conundrum by decentralizing manufacturing from primarily the US, China, and India to the continent of Africa while expanding these same opportunities here at home. These technology licenses will facilitate the production of vaccines such as AstraZeneca.